DXP Expenses automates the expense process like never before

Leveraging artificial intelligence to easily capture and claim expenses on the go to get paid faster

Stay mobile with a simple expense process

An innovative solution streamlining the expense process, users can experience an intuitive mobile interface to manage expenses. With TechnologyOne’s AI-powered engine, users can simply use their smartphone to capture receipts on the go and track the status of claims in real-time through to approval.

Pay employees faster and more efficiently

Save time and fast-track the reimbursement process for your organisation. DXP Expenses takes the guesswork out of categorising expenses by automating expense types for a seamless user experience. Approvals and reimbursements have never been so easy, your approvers and finance team are instantly notified when a claim has been made and can approve it on the spot.

Experience seamless uptake from your employees

Adopting software has never been simpler. For users with our Expense Management solution, DXP Expenses can be instantly deployed to your organisation with minimal configuration and no end-user training needed. This enables your employees to quickly get up to speed and stay focused on what they do best.

See DXP Expenses in action

DXP Expenses capabilities

Transform the way your organisation manages the expense process. From submitting claims for approval to reimbursing expenses, you can expedite the process and ensure you employees are paid in a timely manner.
  • Timesheet management software -TechnologyOne

    Smart receipt scanning

    Streamline your expense process with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) receipt scanning. Simply scan your receipts on the go, and our powerful AI-driven OCR categorises the expenses and populates fields into your expense claim including description, date and total amounts.
  • Mileage support

    Save time with mileage support – pre-define mileage rates for your organisation, making claiming eligible transportation costs easier than ever before.
  • Organisation management - TechnologyOne

    Company expense policies

    Configure expense policy rules for your organisation and take the guesswork out for employees, with set approval workflows including inbuilt financial delegation enforcement.
  • Organisation management - TechnologyOne


    Easily capture foreign receipts and expenses with global currency support.
  • Timesheet management software -TechnologyOne


    Employees can set up and self-manage their own banking details for reimbursements.
  • Customise expense types

    Enhance and customise expense types to capture additional information and cater to all expense types.
2024a is efficiency redefined.

Elevating success with lightning-fast time to value..


  • What is DXP?

    DXP is a frictionless mobile app experience which harnesses new technologies and leverages the power of enterprise software. DXP allows users to experience the full benefits of TechnologyOne’s innovation and enhances the Ci Anywhere experience.

  • What can my organisation use DXP for?

    Seamlessly capture business expenses on the go, streamline meeting agendas and submissions, quickly access reports and dashboards, and view and action tasks in real time – all within the DXP app.

  • How do my users interact with DXP Expenses?

    You can download the DXP app from your app store or you can launch it from Ci Anywhere.

  • How do I make sure my organisation is ready to take advantage of the DXP experience?

    Here is a readiness checklist

    • Upgrade to TechnologyOne’s Ci Anywhere 2020A or above on our SaaS platform
    • Implement Ci Anywhere Expense Management
    • Talk to your Account Manager to ensure you have the appropriate licenses
  • What if I’m not using Ci Anywhere?

    Consider an upgrade to our SaaS platform to reap the benefits of DXP Expenses. Speak to your Account Manager today.

Ready to learn more?

Complete the form to speak to a DXP Expenses expert about how TechnologyOne can help you.