WELLINGTON, 16 April 2021 – TechnologyOne and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have announced a new procurement framework which will pave the way for 23 NZ government agencies to transition to modern and secure Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) environments.

In another mark of trust for the global SaaS company - already a dominant partner across New Zealand Government agencies and the Australian Federal Government tech space -  the new streamlined procurement arrangements will provide an enhanced cyber security posture to NZ Government operations, and improve services to citizens by allowing agencies to be more flexible and innovate more quickly.

Negotiated by MBIE and endorsed by the office of the Government Chief Digital Officer (part of the Department of Internal Affairs), the agreement provides a common contractual framework, providing NZ Government agencies a clear roadmap for their digital transformation to a SaaS platform.

It is part of the government’s reforms to ICT procurement making it simpler, clearer and faster for agencies and industry to transact services and deliver better outcomes for the community.

Ed Chung, TechnologyOne CEO, said he is proud to be a part of NZ Government’s digital transformation, with the new arrangements set to bring forward benefits to citizens, at a time when agility in the public sector is needed.

“As the disruption caused by the pandemic enters its second year, we know that strong, secure and resilient IT operations will power the innovations that will drive the country’s economy forward and we believe this is an exciting and economically important step for NZ.

“The last 12 months have demonstrated the benefits of Software-as-a-Service environments.

“The organisations which were able to make the smoothest transitions to remote work this time last year were those who had invested in SaaS,” Mr Chung said.

The agreement comes at a good time for government agencies with TechnologyOne’s SaaS infrastructure being certified as compliant with the New Zealand Information Security Manual (NZ ISM) for several years already, building on the high-level credentials recently awarded to TechnologyOne by Australia’s security authorities.

It also comes at a time when public sector organisations around the country are considering the changes required to be ready for the introduction of e-Invoicing, a digital transformation which allows them to do away with paper invoices to reduce costs and them help them pay suppliers, including small businesses, faster.

“The Australian and New Zealand governments use a common standard for e-Invoicing, which means NZ agencies can benefit from work already done across the Tasman,” Mr Chung said.

Media contact
Miette Lelievre
PR Advisor
M: +61 428 940 628

About TechnologyOne

TechnologyOne (ASX: TNE) is Australia's largest enterprise Software as a Service (SaaS) company and one of Australia's top 100 ASX-listed companies, with offices across six countries. Our enterprise SaaS solution transforms business and makes life simple for our community by providing powerful, deeply integrated enterprise software that is incredibly easy to use. Over 1,300 leading corporations, government departments and statutory authorities are powered by our software.

Our global SaaS solution provides deep functionality for the markets we serve: local government, government, education, health and community services, asset intensive industries and financial services. For these markets we invest significant funds each year in R&D. We also take complete responsibility to market, sell, implement, support and run our solutions for our customers, which reduce time, cost and risk.

Publish date

20 Apr 2021
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